

Disconnect has a lot of different features to create the most engaging and unique atmosphere. As more features are created they will be added to this list!

  • Games


    Play a bunch of different games inside of Discord! Including: 8-ball, coin-flip, rock-paper-scissors, roll-dice, would-you-rather, and russian-roulette

  • Fun


    Use one of the random fun commands and get something neat! Including: advice, fun-fact, meme, shower-thought, and joke

  • Imagery


    Get a random image or modify/ generate a new image. Including: animal, comic, hungry, generate, and manipulate

  • Roleplay


    A very basic but big two commands to show your emotions and feelings between emote and react!

  • Information & Statistics


    Get information and statistics from all you favorite things or people! Including guild-info, user-info, help, and stats

  • Ultra Lite Moderation


    Lets be honest for a moment. How many bots are on Discord for Moderation? Even Discord includes built in moderation. So this feature will always be small but the previous features will expand and more will be create! But for moderation Disconnect has a purge command just incase!